Other Ways
to Give
Our work is only possible because of generous donations from steadfast supporters like you.

Cash / Checks
Cash contributions to are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Checks should be made payable to “Hawai‘i Care Choices” and mailed to our office at 1011 Waiānuenue Avenue, Hilo HI 96720.
Memorial and Honorary Gifts:
When making such a gift in honor or memory of a loved one, please include the name of the person you would like to recognize and let us know the name and mailing address of the individual you would like us to notify about your gift. Gift amounts are kept confidential.
Workplace Giving:
Hawai‘i Care Choices is a proud beneficiary of the Hawaii Island United Way’s annual campaign. A donation to Hawaii Island United Way through your workplace supports an array of organizations like Hawai‘i Care Choices. You can also designate Hawai‘i Care Choices as your specific charity choice when completing the paperwork.
Stocks / Securities

Gifts of appreciated stock allow donors to bypass capital gains taxes and receive a charitable tax deduction. Gifts of stock will be recorded on the day the stock is received in our brokerage account, at the median market value on that day. You will receive a written acknowledgment to confirm receipt of your gift.
Intent to Transfer:
Please notify Hawai‘i Care Choices of your intent to transfer stock by completing the Notification of Stock Transfer Form and email, fax or mail it to Keith Greer, Development Manager, 1011 Waiānuenue Avenue Hilo, HI 96720
Please ask your broker or agent to transfer stocks to Hawai‘i Care Choices using the following account:
Name of Receiving Institution: LPL Financial
Receiving Institution Account #: 40850664
DTC #: 0075
For Credit: Hawai‘i Care Choices,
1011 Waiānuenue Ave. Hilo, HI 96720
Real Estate

The outright contribution of appreciated real estate, such as a house or condo, vacation home or undeveloped land, can have similar benefits to that of stocks. You can receive a tax deduction for the asset’s full fair market value and avoid capital gains tax.
Acceptance Check:
Please contact Hawai‘i Care Choices Development Manager, Keith Greer at (808) 969-1733 to help determine whether we are able to accept your gift.
This information is not intended as tax advice. Please always consult your advisors about your personal situation when making a charitable gift of appreciated assets.
Designating a portion of your estate to Hawai‘i Care Choices is a meaningful way to create a future legacy that will give on-going help to Hospice patients after your lifetime. A gift made by bequest through your will or revocable living trust allows you to use and control your assets during your lifetime.

A bequest is a designation in your will or living trust that provides a gift to Hawai‘i Care Choices upon your passing. It can be set up during your initial estate planning or can be added to your current plans through a simple amendment. You can leave a specific sum of money, piece of property, or a percentage of your estate, or of the remainder of your estate.
General Bequest:
of a stated sum of money or percentage of your estate: “I give to Hawai‘i Care Choices, a Hawai‘i non-profit corporation whose principal office is located at 1011 Waiānuenue Avenue, Hilo, HI 96720, with Federal Tax Identification #99-0218512, or its successor organization, the sum of [insert here the exact dollar amount or percentage].”
Specific Bequest:
of a certain asset from your estate: “I give to Hawai‘i Care Choices, a Hawai‘i non-profit corporation whose principal office is located at 1011 Waiānuenue Avenue, Hilo, HI 96720, with Federal Tax Identification #99-0218512, or its successor organization, [insert here a description of the particular property].”
Retirement Plan or Life Insurance Policy:
You may designate Hawai‘i Care Choices as the sole beneficiary--or one of the beneficiaries--of a retirement plan, life insurance policy, commercial annuity contract and bank or brokerage account. It is easy to arrange and can be altered if your life circumstances change. This can be a tax-wise way to give, as Hawai‘i Care Choices is exempt from the taxes that might otherwise be owed by your heirs upon inheriting these assets.
Designating a portion of your estate to Hawai‘i Care Choices is a meaningful way to create a future legacy that will give on-going help to Hospice patients after your lifetime. A gift made by bequest through your will or revocable living trust allows you to use and control your assets during your lifetime.
For a donor to entrust the fruits of his or her life’s work to Hawai‘i Care Choices is a responsibility we take to heart. We ask that you inform Hawai‘i Care Choices of your planned charitable gift so that we may acknowledge your generosity and record your intention. If you would like your plans to remain confidential, we will be happy to honor your wishes.
Please let us know of your planned gift intentions by calling Amy Hayoung Lee at (808) 969-1733.