
Specialized medical care for people living with a serious illness; provided in-home.
Focused on providing relief from the symptoms and stress of a serious illness. Care can be offered for months to years for patients desiring support while seeking curative treatments such as chemotherapy, dialysis, radiation or surgery.

Debbie Kenui & 'Ohana
What is the Difference Between Palliative and Hospice Care?

Specialized care that offers an extra layer of support for those living with a serious illness.
Focuses on relief of symptoms and quality of life for patient & family.
Care can begin at diagnosis (early is best) or at the discretion of the physician.
Palliative care, is paid for by Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance. Depending on the insurance, there could be a co-pay covered by the patient.
Offered by Both
Pain and Symptom Relief
Focuses on Quality of Life for patient & family
Both have specialized teams to support patient and family with physical, emotional and spiritual pain.
Care is provided wherever patient calls home.
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Are you experiencing the following?
Frequent Emergency Room or Urgent Care visits
Increased need to call or visit the doctor
Diminished activity, such as difficulty managing finances, driving,grocery shopping, preparing meals, managing medication, and doing light housework?
Would you like help with?
Comprehensive care coordination, emotional support and symptom management
Education on proper medication use and monitoring of patient's condition
Referrals to helpful services in the community
Support with Advanced Care Planning – Making your wishes known.

"Before, I was going to the ER at least once a month. It has been four months with Hawai‘i Care Choices' palliative program and I haven't visited the ER yet."

Currently Accepting Patients with:
Advanced Heart Disease (Congestive Heart Failure, Severe Cardiomyopathy, those with an implantable defibrillator)
Advanced Renal Disease (Kidney Failure)
Advanced Liver Disease
Chronic Lung Disease (Chronic obstructive pulomnary disease)