“I started on Kupu Palliative Care which is a pre-hospice program with Hawai`i Care Choices in May 2020 and upgraded to Hospice Care in November,” said Penny Sherley. “My nurse, Jason visited at my home, which was convenient and safe for me.”
“After Penny visited her specialist,” explained caregiver husband Scott Sherley, “Jason would visit to check her oxygen levels, listen to her heart and lungs for any crackling sounds. When she couldn’t get a simple blood test, Jason kept calling and checking until he finally confirmed her appointment. He never gave up. Anne our social worker, along with Jason became advocates for Penny’s care,” said Scott. “No, no, I don’t want to stay at the hospital. I want to be at home, “insisted Penny. They made that happen!
“I could bathe and care for Penny but she preferred her hospice aide, Kat,” admits Scott. “Her nurse Nikki helped with increasing Penny’s appetite, and my job was to cook something “ono” to entice Penny to eat while her hospice social worker Aurelia looked into more financial help, “ continued Scott. “ We all have our roles, --I’m the Housekeeper, and Penny is the Spousekeeper, “chuckled Scott
“Hospice services are great! I have everything I need. I can call at any time – in the middle of the night, whenever we need help, “says Penny. “Neither of us have any anxiety, “admits Scott. “Knowing we have support to get us through, means everything to us. Everybody’s just wonderful. I love you, I love you all,” declares Penny.
“I know about my illness and what my husband and I could expect in the months ahead because Anne, our first social worker, took time to ensure we had all the information. So in November after a visit to the hospital I came home feeling very weak and I couldn’t walk. I decided I was ready to choose a higher level of care at home, which was Hospice Care. The idea of Hospice didn’t just happen overnight. Discussions of what I could expect with Hospice Care was lovingly communicated to us over months. I was ready to choose Hospice. With Hospice, I received oxygen, medications, bedside commode, an entire care team that visits me at home, and a hospital bed (that I said I might use later),” exclaimed Penny. I got everything!